WIC Customer Experience Landscape Assessment (2024-Current)

The MEF team, including our expert consultant Vivian Gabor, conducted a survey of all 88 WIC State agencies to assess the current landscape (i.e., practices and capacity) for collecting, analyzing, and acting upon information about the WIC Customer Experience (CX) and identified areas where State agencies were not meeting best practices. Using findings from the survey and a document review, the study team will develop a series of technical assistance (TA) materials to help State agencies improve WIC CX data collection, analysis, and dissemination. To inform development of the TA materials, we will hold a technical working group with WIC State agency Directors to discuss content of the resources and mode(s) of dissemination. This work will help FNS and WIC State agencies better serve WIC participants of all backgrounds.

Food Assistance
Evaluation Planning and Technical Assistance | Survey Design and Administration | Virtual Technical Assistance | Webinars
Nicole Huret | Matt Darling | Dani Hansen | Chrissy Steigelman | Laura Meyer | Rachel Richman | Allie Burns