Planning Father Engagement in Baltimore City Head Start Centers (2023-Current)

MEF is currently working with the Center for Urban Families (CFUF) to begin developing a model for promoting active fatherhood engagement in Baltimore City Head Start (BCHS) centers. The goal of this work is to design a model that can later be replicated in Head Start programs nationwide. MEF Associates was contracted by CFUF to conduct research activities to guide decision-making during this planning process. MEF will 1) provide support in identifying best practices for integrating fatherhood services into Head Start programs 2) gather data on existing strategies and feasibility for new practice using focus groups with BCHS participants and staff, and 3) provide preliminary recommendations for a concrete father engagement plan.

Early Care and Education | Fatherhood and Family Strengthening Programs
Administrative Data Analysis | Evaluation Planning and Technical Assistance | Interviews and Focus Groups | Literature Reviews | Participatory Evaluation | Planning and Facilitating Convenings | Stakeholder Engagement | Supporting Program Innovation | Survey Design and Administration
Bright Sarfo | Erin Bumgarner | Sundjata Aya | Imani Hutchinson | Becca Heilman | Sophie Hearn