Head Start Connects (2018-2023)

This project, funded by the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation in ACF, is assessing the knowledge base around coordinating the provision of individualized family support services in Head Start. The project has included a literature review, the development of a theory of change model, and consultations with experts on the processes related to coordinating and tailoring family support services that are responsive to families’ specific needs. Additionally, the project team carried out case studies and a nationally-representative survey to provide an in-depth examination of approaches to coordinating family support services from the perspective of both families and programs. Lastly, MEF is developing a research brief exploring the experiences of family support workers. MEF is a subcontractor to MDRC on the project.

Coordinating Services to Support Families: Findings from the Head Start Connects Case Studies
Early Care and Education | Fatherhood and Family Strengthening Programs
Case Studies | Stakeholder Engagement
Mike Fishman | Kate Stepleton | Carly Morrison | Olivia Mirek | Imani Hutchinson | Sofia Torres | Becca Heilman | Kia Heryadi