Head Start CARES (2010-2015)

Funded by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) in DHHS, this project involved designing and implementing an evaluation of classroom-based strategies to improve children’s social-emotional competencies. The study randomly assigned 120 Head Start centers to either a social-emotional program group or a “business as usual” control group. MEF Associates was a subcontractor to MDRC. Mike Fishman co-led the site recruitment team and the implementation evaluation team. He also led a Migrant and Seasonal Head Start sub-study.

A First Look at the Head Start CARES Demonstration: Large-Scale Implementation of Programs to Improve Children’s Social-Emotional Competence
Head Start CARES for Migrant and Seasonal Families: Adapting a Preschool Social-Emotional Curriculum
Early Care and Education
Implementation and Process Studies | Interviews and Focus Groups | Randomized Control Trials (RCTs)
Mike Fishman | Asaph Glosser