Family Involvement Center Evaluation

Through their Family Involvement Centers (FICs), the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services offers free, play-based services to families with young children aged zero to five. With the FIC program, Montgomery County aims to help caregivers and children develop routines, transition between activities, provide opportunities for positive interactions with peers and adults, use play-based strategies to support development, and engage in meaningful communication. To better understand whether and how FICs are accomplishing these goals, DHHS contracted with MEF Associates to conduct a descriptive, mixed-methods evaluation that documents the perspectives of staff and families involved. Additionally, MEF will work with the County to co-develop recommendations for program improvement and expansion.

Early Care and Education
Administrative Data Analysis | Expert Engagement | Interviews and Focus Groups | Survey Design and Administration
Kate Stepleton | Carly Morrison | Sundjata Aya | Imani Hutchinson | Olivia Mirek