Conversion of Enrollment Slots from Head Start to Early Head Start (2020-Current)

Funded by the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation in the Administration for Children and Families, this project is building the knowledge base around conversion of enrollment slots from Head Start to Early Head Start. Over five years, the project is examining how and why Head Start grantees prepare for and engage in enrollment conversions. Likewise, it aims to identify facilitators and barriers to the provision of high-quality Early Head Start services that meet community needs. The project includes expert consultations, stakeholder engagement, and an assessment of the knowledge base involving key informant interviews and a scan of available information. A multi-site case study, co-led by MEF, explored the conversion process from the perspective of the HS/EHS program. MEF is also leading a sub-study examining how Migrant and Seasonal Head Start programs assess the needs of their communities to inform programming, including decisions about the age mix of children they serve. A final component of the project is a national survey of Head Start programs aimed at understanding practices related to staff recruitment, training, and professional development.  MEF is a subcontractor to the Urban Institute on this project. 

The Conversion of Enrollment Slots from Head Start to Early Head Start (HS2EHS) Case Studies
Assessing the Need to Convert Head Start Enrollment Slots to Early Head Start
Developing an Application to Convert Head Start Enrollment Slots to Early Head Start: Findings from the HS2EHS Case Studies
Preparing to Deliver New or Expanded Early Head Start Services after a Conversion
Implementing New or Expanded Early Head Start Services After Converting Slots: Findings from the HS2EHS Case Studies
Early Care and Education
Case Studies | Expert Engagement | Interviews and Focus Groups | Literature Reviews | Stakeholder Engagement
Mike Fishman | Kate Stepleton | Carly Morrison | Lisa Rau | Helena Wippick | Irma Castañeda | Olivia Mirek