Building Evidence on Employment Strategies (2017-Current)

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services launched the Building Evidence on Employment Strategies (BEES) project to evaluate the effectiveness of innovative programs designed to boost employment and earnings among low-income Americans. Intended to build on previous research on the effectiveness of various employment strategies, the BEES project has the potential to fund up to 21 rigorous evaluations of promising programs serving recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families or other, similarly low-income families. BEES will make a priority of evaluations of programs that are initiated by states and programs that serve adults whose employment prospects have been affected by opioid dependency, abuse of other substances, or mental health conditions. The goal of the project is to strengthen ACF’s understanding of evidence-supported programs that are effective in improving employment and economic security. The project is being conducted by MDRC, along with Abt Associates and MEF Associates. MEF Associates is co-leading site identification and recruitment, will lead work with specific sites and participate in the implementation study.

Individual Placement and Support: Background and Directions for Future Research
Individual Placement and Support (IPS) in Practice: Lessons from Breaking Barriers
Providing Employment Services, Treatment, and Supportive Housing to Individuals with Substance Use Disorder
Employment and Parenting Services for Noncustodial Parents: A Descriptive Study
Career Pathways and Postsecondary Education and Training | Housing | Substance Use Disorder | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
Cost and Benefit-cost Studies | Implementation and Process Studies | Randomized Control Trials (RCTs) | Stakeholder Engagement
Mike Fishman | Mary Farrell | Sam Elkin | Michele Abbott | Lisa Rau | Laura Meyer | Sophie Hearn | Rachel Richman