Behavioral Interventions to Advance Self-Sufficiency- Next Generation (2015-Current)

This project, funded by the Administration for Children and Families, builds on the success of the earlier Behavioral Interventions to Advance Self-Sufficiency (BIAS) project. Led by MDRC, BIAS Next Generation will expand the use of behavioral science to a wider range of ACF programs, go beyond testing simple “nudges” to include more implementation research, and develop tools to help program administrators and operators apply lessons from behavioral science to their work. As a subcontractor to MDRC, MEF is leading the process for identifying key issues across a range of ACF programs and recruiting sites to field behavioral science tests addressing those issues.  In addition, MEF is responsible for leading tests in the TANF and child welfare domains.

Child Welfare | Early Care and Education | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
Administrative Data Analysis | Behavioral Diagnosis and Intervention Design | Conference Presentations | Cost and Benefit-cost Studies | Evaluation Planning and Technical Assistance | Implementation and Process Studies | Interviews and Focus Groups | Randomized Control Trials (RCTs) | Stakeholder Engagement
Mike Fishman | Mary Farrell | Kate Stepleton | Erin Bumgarner | Carly Morrison | Olivia Mirek