Quality of Subsidized Child Care Providers and Children’s Care Stability: Implications for Early Educational Outcomes (2022-2022)
Head Start Professional Development: Developing the Evidence for Best Practices in Coaching (2012-2014)
Variations in Implementation of Quality Interventions: Examining the Quality-Child Outcomes Relationship in Child Care and Early Education (2016-Current)
ExCEL Quality: Examining the Quality-Child Outcomes Relationship in Early Childhood Education (2019-2024)
Evaluation and Planning for Evolution of New Hampshire Early Childhood Governance in New Hampshire (2022-2023)
Learning from Those with Life Experience: Client Voices in the Understanding the Value of Centralized Services Study
Developing an Application to Convert Head Start Enrollment Slots to Early Head Start: Findings from the HS2EHS Case Studies
A First Look at the Head Start CARES Demonstration: Large-Scale Implementation of Programs to Improve Children’s Social-Emotional Competence
A Two-Generational Child-Focused Program Enhanced with Employment Services: Eighteen-Month Impacts from the Kansas and Missouri Sites of the Enhanced Services for the Hard-to-Employ Demonstration and Evaluation Project
Implementing New or Expanded Early Head Start Services After Converting Slots: Findings from the HS2EHS Case Studies
Enhanced Early Head Start with Employment Services: 42-Month Impacts from the Kansas and Missouri Sites of the Enhanced Services for the Hard-to-Employ Demonstration and Evaluation Project
State and Territory Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Investments in Early Care and Education Quality
Managing Stress and Nurturing Resilience: Exploring the Potential of Stress Management Workshops to Help Early Childhood Educators
At the Starting Line: A Guide to Laying the Foundation for an Early Childhood Classroom Coaching Initiative