TANF Outcomes Technical Assistance and Logistics (TOTAL) (2024-Current)

About Project TOTAL

The Office of Family Assistance (OFA) launched the TANF Outcomes Technical Assistance and Logistics (TOTAL) project to develop and deliver training and technical assistance to TANF programs in the states and territories to assist them in responding to the new outcome reporting requirements and opportunities enacted through the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (FRA). P.L. 118-5. MEF Associates is leading TOTAL with partners, MDRC and Mathematica. TOTAL is providing support to the five (5) states selected to participate in the Work and Family Well-Being Pilot Project, and to all states and the territories in meeting the new work outcomes reporting requirement of the FRA.

TOTAL support to pilot states

The Pilot Program aims to support states and build new evidence on whether being accountable for work and well-being outcomes rather than the work participation rate (WPR) leads to stronger employment outcomes and increased family stability and well-being.

TOTAL support to all states and territories on reporting work and education outcomes

Effective October 1, 2024, the FRA requires that states report the data necessary to produce outcomes on work-eligible individuals who leave TANF, including employment, retention, earnings, and diploma attainment. MEF Associates, along with partners at MDRC will provide technical assistance to help states build their data capacity and identify and implement strategies for using data to identify the best opportunities for making program changes that may lead to better outcomes.

Self-Sufficiency | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
Evaluation Planning and Technical Assistance | Virtual Technical Assistance | Webinars
LaDonna Pavetti | Emily Schmitt | Carly Morrison | Megan Stanley | Tatiana Schaefer | Elina Morrison | Ayan Goran | Sofia Torres | Mariama Badjie | Allie Burns