Promising Occupations Achievable through Education or Training for Low-Income Families (2021-2024)

The U.S. labor market has shifted away from jobs that can be automated or can be done for lower cost outside the U.S. toward jobs that require more knowledge and skills. Employment opportunities for those with a high school education or less are on the decline. This rapidly changing employment landscape makes it difficult for programs serving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients and other workers with low incomes to have actionable and relevant labor market information (LMI) and information on available education and training programs, in part because many of them have less than a high school education.

The Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation awarded a contract to MEF Associates and its subcontractor, Mathematica, to increase the usability of LMI and create a TANF practitioner-friendly, interactive website. The site allows users to identify promising occupations that are attainable through short-term education or training and are projected to grow with family-sustaining wages. Explore the site at:

Identifying and Combating Bias in TANF-Funded Employment Services
Promising Occupations Achievable Through Short-term Education or Training
Career Pathways and Postsecondary Education and Training | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families | Workforce System
Administrative Data Analysis | Planning and Facilitating Convenings | Policy Analysis | Stakeholder Engagement | Supporting Program Innovation
Asaph Glosser | Lorraine Perales | Sofia Torres | Allie Burns