The Pathways to Work Evidence Clearinghouse: The What Works Clearinghouse of Proven and Promising Approaches to Move Welfare Recipients to Work (2018-2023)

This project, funded by the Administration for Children and Families’ Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, aimed to make more accessible information on evidence about effective employment and training strategies to help improve employment outcomes and self-sufficiency among low-income populations. A website would make materials from this project available to practitioners, policymakers, and researchers. MEF was a subcontractor to Mathematica Policy Research on this project. MEF was contributing to systematic reviews of research, developing case studies of innovative interventions that have not been rigorously evaluated, and writing implementation briefs for interventions with evidence-supported outcomes.

Subsidized Employment and Transitional Jobs
FareStart Barista and Customer Service Program
New York City Human Resources Administration Business Link
Climb Wyoming
Clark County Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program’s (CCMEP’s) Life in Transition (LIT) Remote Support Group for Youth at OhioMeansJobs
West Philadelphia Skills Initiative (WPSI) Customized Job Development Intervention
Employer Resource Networks (ERNs)
Community Action Organization of Scioto County’s Employment and Workforce Development Interventions
New Moms’ Job Training Intervention
Kaka`ako Family Assessment Center (FAC)
Kentucky Targeted Assessment Program
Economic Mobility Pathways’ (EMPath) Mobility Mentoring®
Greyston Bakery’s Open Hiring Model
Michigan Works! Southwest’s Remote Coaching for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Recipients
Santa Cruz County Human Services Department’s Remote Motivational Orientation for CalWORKs Employment Services
Solutions for Change
Arapahoe/Douglas Works!’ (ADW’s) Virtual Work Readiness Program (VWRP)
HIAS’ Women’s Empowerment Pilot Project
Career Pathways and Postsecondary Education and Training | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families | Workforce System
Literature Reviews | Research Translation and Dissemination | Systematic Evidence Reviews
Sam Elkin | Ashweeta Patnaik | Lorraine Perales | Irma Castañeda | Semhar Gebrekristos | Olivia Mirek