Next Steps for Employment and Training Research: Roundtable and White Papers (2017-2021)

The Administration for Children and Families’ Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation considered future directions for its research and evaluation portfolio on employment and training interventions and initiatives. To help inform them in this effort, OPRE funded MEF Associates, with MDRC as a subcontractor, to convene a roundtable and produce a series of complementary white papers aimed at sharing knowledge about the current status of research on the employment and training field and identifying gaps in knowledge.

Employment and Training Programs Serving Low-Income Populations: Next Steps for Research
Understanding the Changing Nature of Work: Implications for Research and Evaluation to Inform Programs Serving Low-Income Populations
New Directions in Employment and Training Research and Evaluation: Digital Employment Tools Created with Approaches from Human-Computer Interaction
New Directions in Employment and Training Research and Evaluation: Employer-Based Work-Family Interventions
Career Pathways and Postsecondary Education and Training | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families | Workforce System
Expert Engagement | Planning and Facilitating Convenings | Supporting Program Innovation
Mike Fishman | Sam Elkin | Asaph Glosser | Lorraine Perales | Neda Delavarpour