New York City’s Center for Economic Opportunity: The Evolution of an Agency and Its Mission (2012-2013)

Funded by the New York City Center for Economic Opportunity, the project was designed to gain and disseminate a clear, balanced, in-depth understanding of CEO’s goals, policies, and operations—and how and why those have changed over time. The project produced a final report that described the evolution of an on-going, anti-poverty center from the idea of creating a Commission for Economic Opportunity, to the establishment of the Center, and through the many decisions and developments that led to the Center’s current anti-poverty mission and its mode of operation. MEF Associates was a subcontractor to Rockefeller Institute of Government at SUNY Albany.

Poverty and Evidence-Based Governance: The New York City Center for Economic Opportunity
Child Support | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families | Workforce System
Formative Assessments | Implementation and Process Studies | Interviews and Focus Groups | Literature Reviews
Mike Fishman | Asaph Glosser