Creating Moves to Opportunity: Seattle & King County (2017-2020)

Creating Moves to Opportunity (CMTO) aimed to improve long-term outcomes of children by evaluating strategies that support Housing Choice Voucher families in moving to higher opportunity neighborhoods. The Seattle and King County Housing Authorities participated in a randomized control trial that has helped identify strategies that most effectively support families with children who want to move to opportunity areas. MEF, in partnership with Johns Hopkins University and Opportunity Insights, conducted in-depth interviews with families participating in the project. Multiple interviews with each family provide insight into their experiences with the housing search, opportunity areas, and CMTO services. MEF conducted earlier work on this project supporting the implementation of the intervention and conducting interviews with key staff and program observations. MEF also conducted interviews with landlords regarding their experiences with CMTO and the Housing Choice Voucher Program.

Implementation and Process Studies | Interviews and Focus Groups | Randomized Control Trials (RCTs) | Supporting Program Innovation
Asaph Glosser | Kate Stepleton | Lorraine Perales