CLEAR Advancement, Reviews, Innovations, and Syntheses of Evidence (2021-Current)

The U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Clearinghouse for Labor Evaluation and Research (CLEAR) serves as a source of accessible information on research on labor topics and evidence about the effectiveness of related policies and programs. DOL funded Abt Associates, with MEF as a subcontractor, to maintain and develop the clearinghouse. MEF staff will conduct systematic evidence reviews and quality assurance reviews of key topic areas in labor research; contribute to systematic annual reviews of relevant research; update and develop CLEAR resources, tools, and reference documents; and contribute to syntheses of CLEAR’s evidence reviews.

Workforce System
Systematic Evidence Reviews
Sam Elkin | Ashweeta Patnaik | Lisa Rau | Semhar Gebrekristos | Helena Wippick | Irma Castañeda | Laura Meyer